Judge Gavel. Prevail In A Personal Injury Case.

Today we are going to discuss how to prepare and prevail in a personal injury case in St. Louis.

Accidents and unfortunate incidents are common in today’s busy, fast-paced world. If you have experienced an injury from an accident through no fault of your own, you may be able to file a personal injury claim against the liable party. If the liable party carries liability insurance, whether it be an automobile policy, homeowner’s policy, or other type of general liability policy, you may be able to settle the case without the need of filing a lawsuit. Most personal injury cases are resolved in this fashion. An experienced personal injury attorney can help you successfully navigate the issues surrounding such a claim and deal with the insurance company on your behalf.

In some instances, it may be necessary to file a lawsuit in a court of law. If you prevail, such a lawsuit can compensate you for your injuries and award you damages associated with your case.

To effectively represent you in a personal injury lawsuit, first, seek out a law firm that has attorneys licensed to practice law in your location and experience in the local courts. This law office should have experience litigating motor vehicle accidents, workplace accidents, medical negligence claims, and other personal injury claims.

The choice of an attorney is an important one. You want to select one who you feel is competent, understands you, and with whom you have a good rapport. Here are some things you and your attorney can do to prepare your case for trial.

Consult With Your Attorney

Meet with your attorney and explain the circumstances of how you were personally injured and get his or her professional opinion on the merits of your case. Be sure to bring the necessary documents to your first lawyer consultation. Take notes on the incident, photographs of your injuries and/or property damage, and the physical location where it happened, and bring them with you to the meeting.

If your attorney thinks you have a good case, he or she will ultimately give you an honest assessment concerning the value of your case. While that value is not binding and only an estimate, it represents the opinion of what the attorney believes you could be awarded in damages if you prevail at trial. These damage awards could pay your medical bills, property damages, loss of income damages, and out-of-pocket expenses, as well as compensate you for your emotional suffering. Always keep in mind, however, that going to trial is a risk and it may be worth settling the matter instead. Each case is different and the facts and circumstances surrounding your case will help you and your attorney make the right decision for you.

Discuss Attorney Fees

During your initial legal consultation, discuss the fee that your attorney will charge to represent you. Ask if this fee is hourly or if it is contingent on whether or not you prevail at trial.

If you and your attorney decide to go forward with your lawsuit, request an estimate of the time it will take to prepare and litigate your case. Be advised, that once most cases enter the litigation phase, that they will take some time to resolve.

Discuss Court Costs And Ongoing Fees

Request an estimate of court costs in your case from your attorney and how those costs can differ if you settle your lawsuit or take it all the way to a trial.

Request a list of other ongoing expenses such as expert witness fees and deposition costs in your case. Depending on the details of your case, these costs could be considerable and must be weighed against the odds that you can win your case in court.

Prepare Yourself For Trial

Get copies of all your case documents, including your own and other witness statements and depositions. Study these documents carefully to prepare for trial.

Visit the courtroom where your trial will be. This will give you an idea of what it will be like to take the witness stand and testify. If this court is not in session when you visit, request a schedule of upcoming trials from the court clerk and make another visit again at a later time.

Your attorney will advise you on how you can present yourself properly in court. Find out what attire would be appropriate to wear, how you should speak, and where you should look when you are on the witness stand.

Decide To Settle Or Go To Trial

Work closely with your attorney and keep apprised of all document filings, appearances, depositions, and other matters concerning your case. At some point, you must decide whether you should settle your case or take it to trial.

Your attorney will take all aspects of your case into consideration and guide you to make the right decision.

To have your personal injury case successfully prepared and litigated in a court of law, contact Cantor Injury Law. We are an experienced law office and can help you prevail in court.

Contact us at (314) 628-9999 to schedule a free consultation with our team.